Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Excitement & Hope!

         I'm suuuuper excited right now :] I applied at The Learning Center like, 6 months ago, no joke. And they never called me back because they weren't hiring or they didnt want me.. something. But!!! they called me the other day for an interview and i'm so stoked! I've been wanting to work there for quite sometime. Karly, Cass, Julie and my new friend Nathan all work there & I love hearing their stories, I think it would be a very challenging job, but so rewarding at the end of the day.. i hope :)
      I've been obsessed with the song Teenage Dream by Katy Perry.. don't know why. It makes me feel young, and I think some of us just need to remember how young we really area... 19,20, and 21 is not old at all! Everyone is getting married! Part of me thinks.. dang, i'm going to be an old hag who never got married, and another part of me is like.. i have no idea what i want to do, when it comes to school and such. But then I remember, I'm 19! Why am I stressing over this? Seriously. No more worries for this girl :)

    So, sad story. I made this grrreat friend at work, Jake! He's such a sweetheart, and I was thinking.. yes! I finally have a legitimate friend here at work.. then he tells me, yeah im' moving to Pennsylvania for work :/ lllame! He's so great though! We're basically becoming BFF'S. Be jealous :)

    I think that's about it for tonight. No clever pictures or anything, just my thoughts. Enjoy :)
ps. wish me luck with the interview tomorrow! eeekkk! :)

Peace & Blessings

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